Halloran, J., Hornecker, E., Fitzpatrick, G., Weal, M., Millard, D., Michaelides, D., Cruickshank, D., & Roure, D. D. (2006). The Literacy Fieldtrip: Using ubicomp to support children’s creative writing. Proceeding of the 2006 conference on Interaction design and children IDC '06, (ACM Press) (pp.17-24), Tampere, Finland.
Recently, ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) has been used to enhance fieldtrips in theseeducational areas by augmenting environments with a rangeof instruments, devices and sensors. However, the sorts ofinteraction design that UbiComp makes possible have thepotential not just to enhance the value of educationaltechniques in known application areas, but also to expandthe application of those techniques into new areas ofcurriculum. This paper report on a UbiComp-supported fieldtrip tosupport creative writing, associated with the learning ofliteracy skills. It discusses how the fieldtrip, designed andrun in the grounds of a historic English country house , engendered interactions whichchanged both the processes and products of creativewriting, with benefits for both teachers and children.
People: Year 5 UK schoolchildren at Whiteley School, Hampshire, UK. ; staff fromChawton House; and two senior teachers from Whiteley Primary School: the head teacher, Pam, and the deputyhead, Leila.
Place: Chawton House, also in Hampshire, owned by the Knight family from the 16th Century, is associated with the well-known English writer JaneAusten.
這篇是報告在無線運算的戶外教學環境中,來幫助寫作和相關的素養技能(literacy skills)。討論如何在一個有歷史背景的環境中設計教學活動,來產生出互動以及創造寫作。

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